Patient Participation Group

Patient Participation

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) aims to represent the views of patients; to identify areas for improvement and find solutions; and support the practice in making changes to service provision.

Our intention is that the group should represent the diversity of patients who attend Scott Road Medical Centre. The PPG currently comprises 21 patients (16 women and 5 men) with ages ranging from 30s to late 70s together with a GP Partner, the practice manager and Patient Support Team Supervisor. One member of the Group represents elderly patients at a local Nursing Home.

Although we have tried to ensure the PPG represents the SRMC patient demographics we are continually looking for opportunities to include those groups currently underrepresented. We hope that our search for new PPG members will encourage others – particularly younger patients – to come forward and voice their views.

PPG Meeting Notes 27.06.24

PPG Meeting Notes 21.03.24

PPG 2012 Meetings Archive

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